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Contest - July

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Contest - July Empty Contest - July

Post by Modpati Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:39 pm

Whether 2400 strawberries? Then you'll love this contest ...
We will reward with a 2400 strawberry user specific forum. We'll do the contest every month, with the same goal: Registered users forum.
How's that "users"? Our forum has so many visitors, this is a problem, but with this contest, we will try to change course.
It will be difficult, but who were able to register 100 dependent members first, wins the contest. Remember: They must register with the forum to tell the user, the dependency will be made ​​to prove that when a member has been registered by another member. This is done through a new option in user profiles, called "dependent", users will place the name of the dependent and will pass the user name in this topic.

Competition rules:
1. Members will only be counted if the name is on topic and dependent on the profile;
2. If you find that someone is stealing, putting the name of another user, who does his judgment, and that, in fact, you're dependent, you can cite the name of his alleged dependent;
3. In the topic, and the name of the user who depends on you, post a link to the id to buy strawberries, you can see the link in Transformice -> Menu -> Store -> Buy Fraises -> Option strawberries 2400 -> Pass the link that appeared when you clicked the option to purchase. Since the maximum is 2400 option strawberries, there are no errors or mistakes, users will not come out in profit;
4. The team can also join the forum (moderators, super moderators, mini-moderators ...), administrators, only 2 out of 3 will participate, except Jinglebrasil, organizer of the competition for anyone to accuse anyone, the competition will be fair.

Users may be disqualified:
1. With over 7 bans (usually 7 days), this is due to points of offense, but I believe nobody will get to the point, right?
2. With many complaints about the contest, if you did not like, do not participate!
3. Users with the same ip with the same dependence is only one user per ip, consequently, the oldest, ie, it must be someone with a different ip the same, shorter durations than stipulated to win the contest, may be considered change ip, there is no escape!
Attention: If you called before the contest (11/07), users will not be accepted that you called, the date of entry must be equal to or greater than 11/07, for equality, no one knew the competition, then it is fair to post date.
Any questions about the contest? Post it here!

BR Minimod

Warning : 100% Mensagens : 8
Likes : 0
Data de inscrição : 2012-07-06

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